Why subscribe to my Upstream Full- Stack Journal?

Mike Goitein photo

My Goal for this Newsletter

I want to help you become a strategic thinker who sets and achieves big goals, through insights, mental models, and curated books, articles, and videos from industry thought leaders so you can achieve greater success.

If you’re not yet registered, please sign up below so we can explore the full Value Delivery stack, connecting Strategy, OKRs, Product Management, and Agile Systems of Delivery.

I’ll periodically publish a newsletter bringing you the holistic view of the Full Stack, and to go Upstream to solve problems and create valuable delivery sooner.

What makes me qualified to take you on this journey?

Where I started

If I didn’t have some major misses in my career, I wouldn’t have learned and be able use those learnings to help you avoid my mistakes:

  • I’ve been fired from consulting engagements

  • I turned into a workaholic and put a severe strain on my health and relationships

  • I’ve been passed over for promotions

I’ve gone through all this and more, and I’ve taken time to dig deep and ask the hard questions that had to be asked to learn, move forward, and make progress.

Where I am now

  • I’ve appeared on podcasts and panels

  • My work has been featured in online publications

  • I’ve led successful in-person and virtual trainings and workshops

  • I’ve successfully built and led teams and created engaging working environments

  • Been part of teams that delivered great Web, Mobile, and B2B applications,

Along the way, I’ve learned a few things I can share with you.

Most of software delivery is a nightmare

If you’ve been part of any kind of software development, I’m sure you’ll recognize one or more of these dysfunctions:

  • Having a “can’t miss” idea fail

  • Unrealistic timelines and expectations

  • Building things no one wants or needs

  • Working for months or years and never making progress against something that was supposed to be “fast” or “easy”

The Upstream Full Stack Journal has your back

  • Don’t expect memes or the latest popular buzzwords

  • Don’t expect to see the same things here you see everywhere else

Expect more, and expect to have your ideas challenged.

  • Through images, video, text, we’ll cut through in fast, simple & effective ways to get at Ideas that Work

  • I’ll be here to interact and answer questions as they come up

Join me

If you haven’t already, please sign up now so you can be part of this journey

Subscribe today

In the meantime, share with friends who may also enjoy this journey!

Subscribe to The Upstream, Full-Stack Journal

Going Upstream to fast-track Product Manager impact through Strategy, Continuous Discovery, & OKRs


Making you more effective through Strategy, Continuous Discovery, & Product | Enterprise Coach at KeyBank