I learned more about business strategy when I started writing on the topic than I had known before. Writing makes us structure our thoughts because the language is structured by nature. If our writings are as chaotic as our thoughts are, no one will understand us. So, when we put our thoughts on paper we have to think through them carefully. And this, in turn, sharpens our thinking. So, I will never delegate my writing to AI.

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You definitely took advantage of doing your "Type 2" thinking, and your success speaks for itself, Svyatoslav.

Elaborating and processing our thoughts in public makes all the difference.

As Joan Didion once said:

“I don't know what I think until I write it down.”

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Thank you for this article. I've been trying to put this emotion into words for a while now, and this helps me articulate my thinking here. It also reminds me of what I tell people when sharing documentation, diagrams, slides or other materials. They are the "evidence of thought and collaboration." While important artifacts for future reference and new joiners to the team, the Work of thinking must still be done, and we need practice, hard work, failure and success to get better at it. Simply asking an AI to think for us contributes to the mental flab - like the passengers in Wall-E.

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